Template management
The template is the set of elements that you will find on a set, a group of cards.
For example, the company logo, the colors, a video...
FUNCTIONING : In case of modification on the card, this one will take over the parameter of the template for example : If I have a logo or an address in my template and that I add a logo or an address on the card, these last ones will replace those of the template.
TEMPLATE NFew readersHow do I translate my card into another language?
CARD.PM does not automatically translate your card.
Please note: it is not enough to add a new language by simply checking a language in your interface.
You must also translate the text elements into the desired language (for example, your job title: FR Sales Director; UK Sales Director; ES Director Comercial ...
By clicking on "add a new language" we simply make a copy of your main card that you must complete in the desired language.
If you do not complete the elements in the dFew readersAdd a portrait photo to my business card
Once you are connected to your CARD.PM account https://app.card.pm/signin you must click on the button " MODIFY " then in the section " Identity " click on the button " Portrait photo ", you have to integrate your photo.
It is highly recommended to have a portrait photo / bust well framed as these examples :
CropFew readersCharacteristics of the graphic elements / images / videos to be integrated in cards
Screen background: 2560 x 2560 HD and 1920 x 1200 minimum (JPEG format required)
Map background: 2560 x 2560 HD and 1920 x 1200 minimum (JPEG format required)
Top and Bottom Banners : 720 pixels minimum width / 2560 pixels maximum width and free height
Top and bottom videos : URL link YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook... WARNING: We do not host your videos you must necessarily put your video in one of the applications listed.
Logo : Minimum width 720 pixels / MaximuFew readersChange your account password
Once connected to your account, go to the section YOUR ACCOUNT then click on the button " Profile " then " Password " you will have to put your old password then create a new one.Few readersIntegrate your CUSTOMER NOTICES in your digital business card
Once in your user account go to the "CUSTOMER NOTICE" section
Enter the url (link) of your customer reviews in the field "url address".
By default the text of the link will be "CUSTOMER NOTICES" but you can customize it in the field "link title".
Remember to save your changes with the "SAVE" button
You should now find the link of your CUSTOMER NOTICES on your digital business card.
IMPORTANT: IFew readers