Service fee
Our public unit price is 30 € HT per year per license with a decreasing rate from 10 licenses (excluding partner/network rates)
You can also benefit from a price reduction if you take your licenses directly (payment at the order) for 2 years (-15% on the total order) or 3 years (-30% on the total order).
The licenses are not nominative, the changes of holders are free and unlimited from your account.
To place an order or make a quote you must first create an account by following thisSome readersLearn more...
To learn more, here is a short video presentation:
As well as a demonstration card : (You can also test it on your smartphone by copying the url in your Safari or Chrome browser or by flashing the Qrcode below)
Our unit price is 30€ HT (excluding partner rates) per year with a volume degression from 10 cards.
For this price you have a license for a dFew readersFind your bill
Your invoices are available directly in your account in the "Management" section of your dashboard "Subscription" button "Invoices" menuFew readersCARD.PM is a WepApp but what is a WebApp?
A WebApp is an application that you can run from an Internet browser, without installation.
The advantage is that you don't have to download anything to your phone, unlike mobile applications: CARD.PM will not use your device's memory. In addition, changes to your card will be instantly taken into account and your card will always be up to date.
The service is responsive and adapts to different OS, screens, internet browsers whether on PC/Mac, tablets or mobiles.Few readersService renewal
Our service is not tacitly renewed but did you know that you can keep your license / card in case of change of network or activity?
We send you a subscription reminder email before the anniversary date of your subscription with 3 choices (cancel / renew / ask a question before renewal) and if you don't renew after a certain time we automatically destroy your card for RGPD reasons.
When you leave your network and if you are the owner of your license you simply lose the rate dedicated to it to tFew readersHow long does it take for the changes made to the business card to take effect?
Your changes are taken into account instantly but BE CAREFUL to save them beforehand.
You sometimes have a delay on images, signatures, sms thumbnails, preview in the interface while our service empties the cache and deploys the elements.Few readersCan I talk to a human? :-)
If you don't find your answer here :
For your commercial questions or miscellaneous you can send us an email to :
Our after-sales service is exclusively by email at : or with our tutorials by following this link : readersUnlimited changes included in your subscription even if the owner changes
Your CARD.PM service during your subscription allows you to modify all the elements of your cards (logos / photos / addresses / social networks / background images / contact information / various links / .pdf file / colors / fonts ...) free of charge and unlimited.
An employee with a CARD.PM business card leaves your company? Change his card for free with the card of his replacement!Few readersIs it possible to print your business card?
NO this card is 100% digital and does not provide any printable version by default.Few readers