Articles on: Features

Add a video to one or more business cards

You can add a video either on your template (the video will then be on all the cards linked to the template if you have the hand to manage several cards) or on a card.

In the template or the card go to "Contents" > "News".

Then click on "+ create a news item below or above the card" !

Click on the video logo

You will have to add the link / url of your video in the area provided for this purpose (Beware we do not host videos, you must put your videos on an online video service like Youtube, Vimeo ...)

You can also put a start and end date for the broadcast. If you don't put a date the video will remain constantly visible.

TO FINISH DON'T FORGET TO CLICK ON THE SAVE BUTTON to validate your modifications.

Check that your video is on your business card(s). If it is not the case, check the url of your video is in the right format, for example for YouTube :

Updated on: 10/08/2021

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