Create my business card shortcut button on iPhone
Click on the link received by MAIL / SMS OR enter the link of your card (ex: in the address field of Safari on your iPhone. You can also transfer the mail received on your computer to a mailbox on your iPhone. Once your interactive business card is open on your iPhone screen, here are the steps to follow: 1 - Click on the menu / share icon of Safari. 2 - Click on "On the home screPopularSave a contact / vcard / .vcf on an iPhone
Since iOS 13 Apple has changed the method of recording the Vcard, in other words the contact card to be saved in the iPhone directory from the digital business card. Once the Vcard is opened on the iPhone : Now you have to press on the portrait photo or the location of the photo with the initials of the contact if he doesn't have a photo. This will open a menu that will offer you to save the contact by clicking on "New contact" or "AddFew readersUsing the Shortcuts application on iPhone (iOS 12+)
If you don't have the "Shortcuts" application on your iPhone, click here to download it from the App Store : Open the application on your iPhone. Click on the plus button + on the top right corner: Then on "+ Add an action". In the section "send a message" click on "+ Contact" ! CompleteFew readersSend your card from the Apple Watch
Click on the shortcut application on your Iphone Click on " All shortcuts ". Click on + to create a new shortcut Name your shortcut as you wish here "Business Card" then check "In the share sheet" and "Display on the Apple Watch" then click on OK to validate Click on the + button toFew readers