Articles on: Customization

Characteristics of the graphic elements / images / videos to be integrated in cards

Screen background: 2560 x 2560 HD and 1920 x 1200 minimum (JPEG format required)

Map background: 2560 x 2560 HD and 1920 x 1200 minimum (JPEG format required)

Top and Bottom Banners : 720 pixels minimum width / 2560 pixels maximum width and free height

Top and bottom videos : URL link YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook... WARNING: We do not host your videos you must necessarily put your video in one of the applications listed.

Logo : Minimum width 720 pixels / Maximum width 2560 pixels and free height (JPEG or PNG format ideally)

Portrait photo on card : 720 x 720 minimum square for better integration in the Vcard

Photo for Vcard : 400 x 400 minimum (Ratio 1 x 1 imposed)

Smartphone icon or Favicon: 512 x 512 ideally and 144 x 144 minimum

A favicon is a computer icon symbolizing a website or company logo. Web browsers can use the favicon in the address bar, bookmarks, tabs or other shortcuts. Usually used for your company's Facebook page.

WARNING: Our service does not include any graphic service or modification of your communication tools. You must provide us with elements directly usable by our services (images or logos in .PNG or .JPG format, no .PDF or .AI format...)

Updated on: 10/08/2021

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